Sunday, February 25, 2024

The SC State House


The girls

Here's us waiting in line for the Nikki Haley town hall event in Columbia.


Me at the State House and Sasha!


Intern Friends :)


This is us with the guys from The Citadel the night of the gala who interned with us throughout the week at the Charleston headquarters. They interned as a part of their Bulldogs for Trump organization on their campus. 

Hamilton and friends

 This is Hamilton, our supervisor at the Charleston Headquarters at the gala with us. We got to see once again a lot of familiar faces from all of the places we've been to throughout the week at this gala, like from the town hall, rally, and the Charleston and Columbia headquarters! 

Victory Gala Night!


On Friday, Team Trump and I attended a gala we were invited to in celebration of Donald Trump's victory in the South Carolina primary. I'd like to believe that our little RTWH team had a part to play in the last push towards the former president's victory. It was neat to see him in person delivering his victory speech. It was our final goodbye to Trump in South Carolina!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Olivia and I interning!


Me at the SCDP ♡


South Carolina Democratic Party!

This morning, RTWH2024 and I took a trip to the SCDP and got to speak with Chairwoman, Christine Spain! She provided us insight into how she got started on her political career and how her state of South Carolina mobilizes voters to get to the polls. She explained how the South Carolina Democratic Party heavily emphasizes on having diverse leadership with each chair requiring different race, gender, and age. It was pretty interesting how it works and it's cool to see how much they stress the importance of diversity! And we also were gifted these awesome mugs!

At Columbia, SC with Grace!


Charleston, SC Headquarters


Here's an action shot of us phone banking!

Office Update

Team Trump and I got to canvass from the Trump Columbia, SC office! It was a cozier, smaller office than the Charleston HQ, but we were all still able to get a lot of calls in!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Met Nikki Haley!! :)


Today RTWH2024 and I went to see Governor Nikki Haley at a town hall event here in Columbia!

Yesterday at Trump HQ

Team Trump and I went down to Charleston, South Carolina to the SC Trump Headquarters to help out with canvassing voters and getting them to get out there and vote this upcoming primary election day (Saturday, Feb 24th). 

The 2 hour drive from our hotel was worth it when former White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley came in to talk to us down at HQ about his experience working for former President Trump, being at the White House, dealing with the media, and America! 

It was a great day of constant calls, conversations, and canvassing the voters of South Carolina, and it was only day 1!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

9 days until South Carolina...

 In 9 days, my classmates, professor, and I will be traveling up to South Carolina and work/intern in presidential campaigning offices! I am really looking forward to this very fruitful experience and hoping to help out as much as I can and gain valuable insight throughout my internship on the science and processes of campaigning within a presidential election. I know that this is going to be such a fun and educative trip for all of us 💗 

We will be in SC for about 8 whole days, with 2 days of travel to and from USFSP (by van)! This trip will be the longest I've ever stayed away from home, so I'm also hoping I don't get homesick. Although, I doubt I will have time to be homesick; my professor has been doing all she can on making this internship as busy and as extensive as possible. As exhausted as I will be, I am still going to call my loved ones every night to reassure them I'm alive and well!!!

The SC State House